Hagopur Certosan offers effective protection against deer and red deer, as well as hares and rabbits. It is perfect for use not only in the forest, but also in private gardens, nurseries and cemeteries. It is recommended to spray on shoots and buds. Can be used all year round. The effect depends on the growth of the plant and lasts up to six months when used in autumn and winter. In spring and summer, we recommend repeating the procedure approximately every 6 weeks.
- One bottle contains about 380 sprays
- Content: 40 g of active substance (approximately 500 ml of the prepared mixture is obtained)
- The reconstituted mixture should be stored in a cool (4-6 °C) and upright position and used within 14 days
- Certosan can be kept unopened for at least 2 years
Use Certosan safely. Always read the label and product information before use.